21 jun 2007

"The Holy Bit led St. iGNUcious into the desert."

The Holy Bit led Jesus into the desert, so that the de-Bill could test him. After St. iGNUcious had gone without hacking for forty days and nights, he was very skinny. Then the de-Bill came to him and said, "If you are Freedom Son, tell these propietary software to turn into GPL."

St. iGNUcious answered:

"The Scriptures say:
'No one can retain his freedom
if they do not fight this freedom for themselves.
People need to beleieve for themselves
every one of the four liberties
that GPL has spoken.'"

Next, the de-Bill took St. iGNUcious to the FSF building and had him stand on the highest part of the Server. The de-Bill said:

"If you are Freedom's Son, jump off.
The Scriptures say:
'FSF will give his hackers orders about you.
They will catch you in their debugging system,
and you won't hurt your eyes
on the propietary apps.'"

St. iGNUcious answered:

"The Scriptures also say,
'Don't try to test a little of slavedom
because you may like it!'"

Finally, the de-Bill took St. iGNUcious up on a very high mountain and showed him all the Silicon valley corporations and their money. The de-Bill said to him:

"I will give all this to you,
if you will bow down and write me
a new license from MS Word."

St. iGNUcious answered:

"Go away Gates! The Scriptures say:
'Worship your freedom and
serve only the community.' "

Then the de-Bill left St. iGNUcious, and hackers came to help him to debug the code.

Emacs 4:1-11

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